Friday, February 17, 2012


I know. I'm heaps slack with posting entries. BUT I just came back from a 4 week holiday about 3 weeks ago, and I've been really... jet lagged. Yeah. We went to the UK (yay!) and then India (fml) but it was a wonderful trip with the family. We even saw a Shakespeare play in Stratford upon Avon (Measure for Measure) then went to the Dirty Duck afterwards where the actors are meant to hang out. Of course we were highly disappointed when we were the only 4 people in the pub and the bar was to close in 10 minutes... but then, as we walked outside we ran into the star of the show himself. We even know where he lives now. No, we did not follow him home. Anyway, the highlight was definitely staying in the UK and getting to know my amazing cousins... and the shopping. Which brings me to this post... 

London is wonderful. The atmosphere, the decorations - mind you, it was Christmas/New Years time, but the lights were breathtaking. Not to mention the fish and chips. And the coffee. And the accents! OH, the accents. Love. We spent about 2 hours in Top Shop, which was like a gazillion stories high, as well as Urban Outfitters, H&M, Zara (which is WAY better overseas by the way) and many many more. I shall show you all photos of my shopping in the posts to come. 

But for now, I must show you the jewellery I bought over there (and some once I returned to Ozland), because it is so so so shiny and pretty and I spend way too long in the mornings trying to decide which rings to wear on which finger and which necklace goes with my outfit better. Geez.

Watch necklace from Paddy's Markets $10 / Sterling silver pendant from London jeweller $80 

Urban Outfitters watch $15 / Diva watch from Paddy's Markets $20

From left to right: sterling silver ring (present from Sanj) / sterling silver ring from London Jeweller / purple stone ring from London Jeweller / blue star ring from Lovisa / blue stone ring from London Jeweller / silver pinky ring from London Jeweller

And for now that is all. Clothes coming soon. YAY! 

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