So although I haven't really blogged in an extremely long time (sorry about that, if you even noticed), there have actually been a lot of things happening these uni holidays that I'd love to share with you. I went to Perth for a week to visit my BIFFLE4LYF aka Jazz, and we had such an amazing time. Although Perth is a bit of a hole, there are some lovely cultural things about it. I'll tell you more another time. Because today I want to ramble on about a bit of a dilemma I came across the day before I left for Perth. I remembered that my wonderful black platform wedges I had purchased from Glue had broken.

Remember those? Yeah well the back of the heel had practically broken off and ripped apart. And it happened like, the third time I wore them. And it's not like I went bush climbing in them or anything. I hadn't even noticed until my boyfriend told me my shoes looked broken when we were out one Saturday night. So I was about to fly out to Perth the next day, where I was going to want to wear these shoes a lot and they were broken. I was pretty devastated until I remembered the other pair from Betts. Although they were more expensive, they were the other option when I was contemplating buying this style of shoe. So I had to come up with a plan to get a refund on these crappy Glue ones.
I pretty much stormed into the store and was very firm in asking for a refund, complaining that they were faulty and I had only worn them three times. Working in retail really helped me understand the refund/exchange/faulty item policy and I knew that if I was stern enough they would just think, "oh, we don't want to deal with her attitude, lets just give her the stupid refund." And it worked.
So I walked over to Betts, praying they still had a size 8 in their shoe, and alas, they did. I tried them on and bought them straight away, my mind finally at ease that I would have a pair of platform wedges to take with me to Perth. And holy moly crapoly. They are the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn.
I don't even feel like I'm wearing heels, they don't give me blisters, I can actually wear them all night and WALK HOME FROM THE STATION without feeling like I need to amputate my foot. EVERYONE GO BUY THESE SHOES IF YOU WANT TO GET WEDGES! Your life will be complete.
Okay, this next tale is even more tragic.
So I saw these amazing stone coloured lace up suede wedges, again at Betts, that would be perfect for a night out in the city for dinner, or a job interview, or anything which requires shoes that are a tad more formal but not the occasion for intense heels. I bought them one afternoon about 10 minutes before the shop was to close, absolutely ecstatic. The next day I was to go to the shopping centre for the day so I thought I'd wear them in.
Here comes the sad part.
By about 2pm that same day, my boyfriend informed me (he's always the bearer of bad news when it comes to my shoes, hey?) that there was something wrong with my shoes. I had a look and it seemed that the inner side of the shoe was chafing. And it wasn't even, a subtle chafing. The inner layer was like, pink, which was obviously a massive contrast to the stone colour on the outside. I was absolutely devastated, and being the experienced person I am when it comes to demanding refunds, I stomped into Betts and explained to them what had happened.
The wonderful stone coloured suede wedges that were stupidly designed cause the inner layer is pink. WTF. Who he hell came up with that idea? |
They somehow managed to convince me that it was a faulty batched and gave me an exchange for another pair. They even waterproof sprayed it for me. And this time I was really careful when I walked not to bump my feet together (not that it should matter, a couple of bumps shouldn't cause chafing). But, much to my dismay, that same afternoon it seemed as if the shoes had begun chafing again. I was sad.
So the next day I went back and told them I just wanted a refund. I was sad to say goodbye to these lovely shoes. But there was no way I was gonna pay 80 bucks for a pair of shoes that developed pink spots on the inside as a result of simple walking.
With the money I got back I bought a pair of knee-high black boots, the style of which I had been searching for for a while. They seem to do me a lot better.
So that, my friends, is the tragic story of the shoes.