Thursday, August 25, 2011

Freebies Galore

Special thanks to Sophia at MoulinFrock and Rimmel for this gift pack! I received it in the mail today and I'm so excited to use the stuff inside... the colours are lovely and bright and I'm so ready for spring/summer! (Especially since the weather was so beautiful today... my window has been open since 10am!)

Also special thanks to my MOTHER who spent SO much money on Estee Lauder products that she actually got all these freebies which she kindly donated to my "all my make up has run out and I'm too poor to buy" more fund.

I also indulged in purchasing another magazine today... Vogue! It's so huge, and fat, and I can't wait to get stuck in to flicking through the lovely pages. I had seriously forgotten how amazing magazines were. I think I went through that phase were Dolly and Girlfriend were way too lame, and my mum didn't let me buy Cosmo or Cleo. I'm totally back into magazines now, though.

The weather today was so lovely I couldn't resist going for a walk in my massive backyard which I spent like, most of my childhood. Took some pictures. Including my neglected trampoline... I should go have a jump sometime. Getting creative with my new SLR, haha.

That's all from me today, adios! X

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