Monday, September 19, 2011

Marc Jacobs: "Daisy Eau So Fresh"

After countless trips to the fragrance section in Myer, many headaches from the strong aromas, pockets full of pieces of cardboard with perfume on them... I finally decided on my new scent (since my Britney Spears Fantasy perfume ran out). People, here is what I am going to smell like from now on. Daisy Eau So Fresh by Marc Jacobs.

Imagine peaches, pinks, champagne, sweetness, and class. It's meant to be sweeter and lighter than the original Daisy and apparently "does a pretty good job of evoking a sunny, breezy meadow of random flowers." That's what it smells like. So I am pretty stoked.

I'm smelling my wrist now. It smells so amazing. Wahoo!

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