Thursday, October 27, 2011

Love Life

Made a trip to Typo today to find these awesome block letters for such a cheap price! I got 5 of them for about $16 which I was really pleased with. I love how bold they are and add a very simplistic feel to a room without sacrificing creativity. Decided on "<3 LIFE" because that's pretty much something I live by every day. It's important to love living and enjoy every day no matter what is thrown at you. So it's just a little reminder to myself, hehe.

I've also suddenly had an urge to read books. Don't know what it is. But I thought I'd start by revisiting a novel I enjoyed most. The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield is one of the best books I've read... not that I can talk, I'm really not a wide reader. However this novel is riveting. It's so haunting... but it keeps you hooked. It's beautifully written as well. Must keep reading more novels. Any suggestions? 

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