Monday, May 23, 2011


I love bargains! 

I saw this amazing iPhone case at Market City a week or so ago. $9. Being a uni student, this was far too expensive for me. Then a couple of days later I saw the SAME one in a shop in Newtown for $26.95. Umm... are you crazy? So being the typical cheapo I am, I checked ebay... Same thing for $3.29 and free postage! WIN! 

Reasons why I love this:
1. My favourite colour is pink
2. It looks like a real casette 
3. Sophia Phan at Moulin Frock said that it was very me.
4. It's pink.
5. And I love pink.

Reasons why I don't like this
1. The iphone charge connector is covered at the bottom... so annoying
2. It's flimsy

BUT IT WAS WORTH IT! $3.29? I can't go wrong! :)

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